Displaying 18 results
Italian Hebrew Literature. By Rev. S. Morais.
A Summary of the Centenary History of the Mikveh Israel Congregation. By Rev. S. Morais.
Mr. Editor. Will you have the goodness to insert the following [...].
"Kether Shem Tob": (The Crown of a Good Name) [...].
Report of the Sub-Committee [regarding the Montefiore centennial birthday].
The Church and Its Duty. Rev. S. Morais on the limits of Politics in the Pulpit.
It used to be claimed that the Sephardic (or Portuguese) Congregation [...].
Our Philadelphia Letter. To the American Hebrew: in Y. M. H. A. circles.
[Letter to the] Editor Jewish Record: [...].
25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Alliance.
Our Philadelphia Letter. To the American Hebrew: Y. M. H. A. Affairs.
Our Philadelphia Letter. To the American Hebrew: Y. M. H. A. Doings.
First Annual Dinner in Aid of the Funds of the Hebrew Education and Fuel Societies.
Dedication of the School-House of the Hebrew Education Society of Philadelphia.