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The University of Pennsylvania Library gratefully acknowledges and thanks the National Foundation for Jewish Culture for supporting the conservation and digitization of the Ledger.


For the Sabato Morais Digitization Project

For the Site Migration and Redesign:

Credit for the Site

The content for this site was migrated from Dennis Mullen’s original site created for the Sabato Morais Digitization Project. Thank you for Emily Esten’s work designing and building the new Morais Ledger site. (Miss the old site? It’s still available for now; please let us know what you miss about it that you can’t do in the new site.)

The Sabato Morais Ledger site is built using Wax. Wax is a minimal computing (minicomp) project led by Marii Nyröp. The project is currently maintained by Marii Nyröp at New York University and Alex Gil at Columbia University Libraries. It uses open source libraries and frameworks including Jekyll, IIIF, OpenSeaDragon, Rake, and ElasticLunr. Wax builds upon work by Peter Binkley, David Newbury, and others.