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Indexed as Mortara, Edgar:

Displaying 5 results

Oheb Ger. A Hermeneutico-Critical Dissertation of thirty-two Sections, on the Aramaic Paraphrase of Onkelos. By Samuel David Luzzatto. Translated by S. Morais. (Concluded).
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 15-Feb | month_day: 15-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Sir Moses Montefiore.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: | full_date: 22-Oct | month_day: 22-Oct | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Rabbi Morais on Monsieur Cremieux. A Tribute to the Hebrew Statesman of France.
publication: The Sunday Dispatch | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 15-Feb | month_day: 15-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The Persecution of the Jews in Germany and the Anti-Semitic League.
publication: The Sunday Dispatch | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 9-Jan | month_day: 9-Jan | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Sermon by Rev. S. Morais.
publication: The Philadelphia Inquirer | location: Philadelphia | full_date: December 1, 1871 | month_day: 1-Dec | volume_notes: | year: 1871 | index_terms: ...