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Indexed as Luzzatto, S.D. Prof.:

Displaying 34 results

Jewish Protestantism. [Letter] To the Editors of The Sunday Dispatch.
publication: The Sunday Dispatch | location: Philadelphia | full_date: February 20, 1859 | month_day: 20-Feb | volume_notes: | year: 1859 | index_terms: ...

[Letter] To the Editor of the Israelite [dated] Philadelphia, August 11th, 1873.
publication: The Israelite | location: Cincinnati | full_date: 29-Aug | month_day: 29-Aug | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Letter from Rev. S. Morais. Philadelphia, 18th January, 5620. To Rev. S.M. Isaacs & Son.
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: January 27, 1860 | month_day: 27-Jan | volume_notes: | year: 1860 | index_terms: ...

(Written expressly for The Jewish Record). Introduction to the Pentateuch by Professor Samuel David Luzzatto. A Critical and Hermeneutical Essay. Translated from the Italian by S. Morais. (Continued).
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 9-Feb | month_day: 9-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

A Model to Jewish Youths. By S. Morais. (Concluded).
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 6-Jul | month_day: 6-Jul | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Poem by Dounash Ben Labrat. Translated by S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 20-Jul | month_day: 20-Jul | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Autobiography of Samuel David Luzzatto. Translated from the Italian by S. Morais. (Continued).
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 10-Aug | month_day: 10-Aug | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Hebraica. The Codex Hillel and Ritual Differences.
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: 27-Sep | month_day: 27-Sep | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

From the French of Index Raisonne.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 29-Nov | month_day: 29-Nov | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

A Literary Review.
publication: Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 14-Mar | month_day: 14-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Mr. Morais in the course of his sermon, last Sabbath.
publication: Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 14-Mar | month_day: 14-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 4-Apr | month_day: 4-Apr | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

A Restoration and a Messiah. A Lecture Delivered Saturday, May 1st, by the Rev. S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 7-May | month_day: 7-May | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The History of the Jewish Nation, by Dr. Wise. [Letter] To Robert Lyon, Esq., Editor of The Asmonean, Philadelphia, January 9, 1854.
publication: The Asmonean | location: New York | full_date: January 20, 1854 | month_day: 20-Jan | volume_notes: | year: 1854 | index_terms: ...

In Memoriam.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 14-Oct | month_day: 14-Oct | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Lessons from a Jewish Life.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: 21-Oct | month_day: 21-Oct | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 3-Mar | month_day: 3-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Judaism of America. An Address by Rev. S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 5-May | month_day: 5-May | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The Press and the Hebrews.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 17-Nov | month_day: 17-Nov | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

A Summary of the Centenary History of the Mikveh Israel Congregation. By Rev. S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 30-Mar | month_day: 30-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Letter from Rev. S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 21-Dec | month_day: 21-Dec | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

An Open Letter.
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: August 30, 1867 | month_day: 30-Aug | volume_notes: | year: 1867 | index_terms: ...

In Memoriam. A Eulogy on the Late Rev. Isaac Leeser, Delivered at the Synagogue, Seventh Street, above Arch, on February 8, by the Rev. S. Morais, Minister of the Congregation.
publication: The Philadelphia Inquirer | location: Philadelphia | full_date: February 13, 1867 | month_day: 13-Feb | volume_notes: | year: 1867 | index_terms: ...

On Saturday, Rev. S. Morais delivered a lecture [...].
publication: [n.p.] | location: [n.d.] | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Modern Hebrew Poetry [Letter to the Editors].
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: June 4, 1869 | month_day: 4-Jun | volume_notes: | year: 1869 | index_terms: ...

[Letter to the] Editor Jewish Record: [...].
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 2-Jan | month_day: 2-Jan | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Alliance.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: 2-Jan | month_day: 2-Jan | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Interment in Public Cemeteries.
publication: The Occident [Offprint, pp. 181-187] | location: Philadelphia | full_date: July | month_day: July | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Modern Hebrew Poetry.
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: June 25, 1869 | month_day: 25-Jun | volume_notes: | year: 1869 | index_terms: ...

Ben Adereth and his Contemporaries. A Review of a Lecture.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: January 22, 1886 | month_day: 22-Jan | volume_notes: | year: 1886 | index_terms: ...

A Note from Rabbi S. Morais [...].
publication: Ledger and Transcript | location: Philadelphia | full_date: April 7, 1886 | month_day: 7-Apr | volume_notes: | year: 1886 | index_terms: ...

A New Hebrew Annual. [Letter to] Mr. Editor: [...].
publication: The Hebrew Standard | location: New York | full_date: October 1, 1886 | month_day: 1-Oct | volume_notes: | year: 1886 | index_terms: ...

A Hebrew Acrostic. Dedicated to the Rev. Dr. Sabato Morais of Philadelphia.
publication: The Menorah Monthly | location: | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: March 15, 1889 | month_day: 15-Mar | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...