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publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 12-Dec | month_day: 12-Dec | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

An Explanation. [Letter to the] Editor Jewish Record:
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 14-Mar | month_day: 14-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Rationalistic Judaism.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 21-Mar | month_day: 21-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Fasting in Hot Weather. Mr. Editor: [...].
publication: The Public Ledger | location: Philadelphia | full_date: [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

To the Memory of Emma Lazarus.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: December 9, 1887 | month_day: 9-Dec | volume_notes: | year: 1887 | index_terms: ...

An Interesting Ceremony.
publication: The Jewish Index | location: Philadelphia | full_date: October 30, 1872 | month_day: 30-Oct | volume_notes: | year: 1872 | index_terms: ...

Summer Assembly.
publication: [n.p.] | location: [n.d.] | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Be Faithful Guardians. By Rev. Dr. S. Morais.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

Local Index. Thanksgiving Day in the Synagogue [...] Hebrew Education Society School.
publication: The Jewish Index | location: Philadelphia | full_date: December 4, 1872 | month_day: 4-Dec | volume_notes: | year: 1872 | index_terms: ...