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Indexed as Hirsch, Samuel:

Displaying 7 results

A Tribute to High Worth [by David Kaufmann]... translated from the Italian [by Morais], as published in the April number of the Corriere Israelitico of Trieste.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 13-Jun | month_day: 13-Jun | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Spinoza and Spinozism. [Letter] To the American Hebrew.
publication: American Hebrew | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 9-Mar | month_day: 9-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

publication: [Letter to the] Editor Jewish Tribune. [...]. | location: St. Louis | full_date: 30-Mar | month_day: 30-Mar | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Dr. Wise on Proselytes.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 21-Dec | month_day: 21-Dec | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Tribute of Respect to the memory of Dr. M. Emanuel. Delivered by Rev. S. Morais. July 3. 1880.
publication: | location: | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The Late Conference. Rev. S. Morais writes as follows to The Philadelphia Age: [...].
publication: The Jewish Messenger | location: New York | full_date: November 19, 1869 | month_day: 19-Nov | volume_notes: | year: 1869 | index_terms: ...

An Interesting Ceremony.
publication: The Jewish Index | location: Philadelphia | full_date: October 30, 1872 | month_day: 30-Oct | volume_notes: | year: 1872 | index_terms: ...