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Indexed as Hirsch, Moses de:

Displaying 14 results

The Monarch and the Pope.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 22-Feb | month_day: 22-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

A Tribute to High Worth [by David Kaufmann]... translated from the Italian [by Morais], as published in the April number of the Corriere Israelitico of Trieste.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 13-Jun | month_day: 13-Jun | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

In Memoriam. Funeral Oration by the Rev. S. Morais. January 25th, 1872.
publication: | location: | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

United States - The University of Pennsylvania has conferred [...].
publication: The Jewish Chronicle | location: London | full_date: July 12, 1889 | month_day: 12-Jul | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...

Rabbi Ottolenghi and his Works.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

Dr. Morais on an Important Need.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: May 4, 1888 | month_day: 4-May | volume_notes: | year: 1888 | index_terms: ...

Chevalier Peter Perreau.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

In a review of a work by Edmond Stapfer [...].
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: July 27, 1888 | month_day: 27-Jul | volume_notes: | year: 1888 | index_terms: ...

The oration of Hon. Benjamin F. Peixotto [...].
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: July 13, 1888 | month_day: 13-Jul | volume_notes: | year: 1888 | index_terms: ...

Hebrew Literature Society.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

Dr. Morais on Misconstructions.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: January 6, 1888 | month_day: 6-Jan | volume_notes: | year: 1888 | index_terms: ...

The Hebrew Language.
publication: The Menorah Monthly: pp. 217-222 | location: New York | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

The Genius of the Hebrew Language. To Rev. Dr. Sabato Morais. (A Reply to the Ode published in the September Menorah) by S. H. Sonnenschein).
publication: The Menorah Monthly | location: New York | full_date: September 7, 1871 | month_day: 7-Sep | volume_notes: | year: 1871 | index_terms: ...

Historical Outlines. By S. Morais. [Continued].
publication: The Menorah Monthly | location: New York | full_date: August, 1889 | month_day: August | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...