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Indexed as Hebrew Sunday School of Philadelphia:

Displaying 6 results

Our Philadelphia Letter. To the American Hebrew: in Y. M. H. A. circles.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: 26-Dec | month_day: 26-Dec | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Our Philadelphia Letter. To the American Hebrew: Y. M. H. A. Affairs.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: 6-Feb | month_day: 6-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

[Mediaeval Jews].
publication: The Association Bulletin | location: January | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Dr. Morais on Work Retrospective and Prospective.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: [n.d.], [n.d.] | month_day: [n.d.] | volume_notes: | year: [n.d.] | index_terms: ...

Historical Outlines. By S. Morais. [Continued].
publication: The Menorah Monthly | location: New York | full_date: August, 1889 | month_day: August | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...

Rabbi Morais? Address. Delivered at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Dr. Jastrow?s Connection with the Rodeph Shalom Congregation, November 4, 1891.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: November 13, 1891 | month_day: 13-Nov | volume_notes: | year: 1891 | index_terms: ...