Indexed as Constitution, American:
Displaying 3 results
Sectarianism and the Constitution. "Whenever sectarianism becomes a part of the Constitution of the United States, the doom of the American Republic is sealed," The Sunday Dispatch, June 13, 1869. [Letter] To the Editors of The Sunday Dispatch.
publication: The Sunday Dispatch | location: Philadelphia | full_date: June 20, 1869 | month_day: 20-Jun | volume_notes: | year: 1869 | index_terms: ...
Strictures on the Convention Held to Christianize the Constitution of the United States. [Letter] To the Editor of The Press.
publication: The Press | location: Philadelphia | full_date: January 26, 1871 | month_day: 26-Jan | volume_notes: | year: 1871 | index_terms: ...
The Watchfulness of Providence over Nations. A Thanksgiving Address delivered by the Rev. S. Morais, Minister of the Portuguese Synagogue, of Philadelphia, on the 20th November, 1856.
publication: The Asmonean | location: New York | full_date: November 28, 1856 | month_day: 28-Nov | volume_notes: | year: 1856 | index_terms: ...