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Displaying 16 results

(Written expressly for The Jewish Record). Autobiography of Samuel David Luzzatto. Translated from the Italian by S. Morais. (Continued).
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 14-Sep | month_day: 14-Sep | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The United Hebrew Charities.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 17-Oct | month_day: 17-Oct | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

The Persecution of the Jews in Germany and the Anti-Semitic League.
publication: The Sunday Dispatch | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 9-Jan | month_day: 9-Jan | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Dr. Kohler?s last Essay. Reviewed by S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: 4-Feb | month_day: 4-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Rev. Dr. Morais on Robertson Smith.
publication: American Hebrew | location: New York | full_date: 24-Feb | month_day: 24-Feb | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

Open Doors to Correspondents. "The Day of Atonement." [Letter to the] Ed. Phila. Inquirer: [...].
publication: The Philadelphia Inquirer | location: | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

On Saturday evening, January 17th, Rev. S. Morais lectured [...].
publication: [n.p.] | location: [n.d.] | full_date: | month_day: | volume_notes: | year: | index_terms: ...

An Address Suggested by Learning of the Workings of "The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." Delivered on Saturday, January 30, by S. Morais, Minister of the Congregation.
publication: The Philadelphia North American and United States Gazette | location: Philadelphia | full_date: February 6, 1869 | month_day: 6-Feb | volume_notes: | year: 1869 | index_terms: ...

Don Isaac Abarbanel. A Review of a Lecture.
publication: The Jewish Record | location: Philadelphia | full_date: April 6, 1886 | month_day: 6-Apr | volume_notes: | year: 1886 | index_terms: ...

Restoration to Palestine.
publication: The Hebrew Standard | location: New York | full_date: November 26, 1886 | month_day: 26-Nov | volume_notes: | year: 1886 | index_terms: ...

A Rabbi?s Tribute to Judge Peirce.
publication: Ledger and Transcript | location: Philadelphia | full_date: April 13, 1887 | month_day: 13-Apr | volume_notes: | year: 1887 | index_terms: ...

The Anglo-Jewish papers refer in appropriate terms to the honor [...].
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: July 8, 1887 | month_day: 8-Jul | volume_notes: | year: 1887 | index_terms: ...

Carmel Colony?s Condition. Report to the Trustees of the Baron de Hirsch Fund.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: April 19, 1889 | month_day: 19-Apr | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...

The Duty of American Israelites to Their Less Favored Brethren. A Discourse Delivered on the First Day of the Passover. By Rev. Dr. S. Morais.
publication: The Jewish Exponent | location: Philadelphia | full_date: April 26, 1889 | month_day: 26-Apr | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...

Historical Outlines. By S. Morais. [Concluded].
publication: The Menorah Monthly | location: New York | full_date: August, 1889 | month_day: August | volume_notes: | year: 1889 | index_terms: ...

"Questions of the Day." Patriotic Utterances of the Rev. Dr. S. Morais. Tribute to American Liberty - Scathing Denunciation of Politicians - Words of Praise for President Cleveland.
publication: Public Ledger | location: Philadelphia | full_date: November 13, 1893 | month_day: 13-Nov | volume_notes: | year: 1893 | index_terms: ...